This Week in Open Source News: One Million Students Have Taken Linux Foundation edX Courses, OPNFV Announces Verified Program & More


This week in Linux and open source news, The Linux Foundaiton & edX partnership have helped one million students learn open source for free and on their own schedules. Read the rest of this week’s top open source headlines below! 

1) “The Linux Foundation has been able to reach so many students because of its partnership with edX (the non-profit online learning platform from Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.)”

One Million Linux and Open Source Software Classes Taken– ZDNe

2) Linux Foundation NFV project announces verified program to help operators establish entry criteria for their proof of concepts (POCs) and request for proposals (RFPs).

OPNFV Verified Program Aims to Ease NFV Adoption RCRWireless News

3) Sylabs, the company behind the open source Singularity container engine, announced its first commercial product.

Sylabs Launches Singularity Pro, a Container Platform for HPC– TechCrunch

4) The Linux Foundation releases speaker list for ELC+OpenIoT North America.

Embedded Linux Conference Sessions to Cover Real-Time Linux, RISC-V, Zephyr, and More

5) “SiFive has opened orders for the Hi-Five Unleashed, a single-board computer using the royalty-free RISC-V ISA.”

Hi-Five Unleashed: The First Linux-Capable RISC-V Single Board Computer is Here– TechRepublic