Red Hat Seeks to Certify the Cloud–Q&A

Article Source The Open Road
June 30, 2009, 7:21 am

For all the hype around cloud computing, two big issues continue to keep CIOs from feeling safe participating: security and interoperability. Red Hat, by announcing its Premier Cloud Provider Certification and Partner Program and Amazon’s entry in the program, hopes to allay these concerns and claim for itself a significant percentage of the money set to pour into the cloud computing Gold Rush.


For the past five years, CIOs have given Red Hat top ranking for value. A significant part of this value, as Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst revealed on Red Hat’s first-quarter earnings call, is the company’s ability to corral a complex array of third-party software vendor certifications and package them into the Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform, giving the CIO peace of mind that whatever the application, it will “just work” on RHEL…

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