7 Key Considerations for Kubernetes in Production


In this post, we share seven fundamental capabilities large enterprises need to instrument around their Kubernetes investments in order to be able to effectively implement it and utilize it to drive their business.

Typically, when developers begin to experiment with Kubernetes, they end up deploying Kubernetes on a set of servers. This is only a proof of concept (POC) deployment, and what we see is that this basic deployment is not something you can take into production for long-standing applications, since it is missing critical components to ensure smooth operations of mission-critical Kubernetes-based apps. While deploying a local Kubernetes environment can be a simple procedure that’s completed within days, an enterprise-grade deployment is quite another challenge.

A complete Kubernetes infrastructure needs proper DNS, load balancing, Ingress and K8’s role-based access control (RBAC), alongside a slew of additional components that then makes the deployment process quite daunting for IT. Once Kubernetes is deployed comes the addition of monitoring and all the associated operations playbooks to fix problems as they occur — such as when running out of capacity, ensuring HA, backups, and more. Finally, the cycle repeats again, whenever there’s a new version of Kubernetes released by the community, and your production clusters need to be upgraded without risking any application downtime.

Read more at The New Stack